Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Should You Change Your Travel Plans?

I have seen this question posed in many different formats, usually just after a largely publized terrorist attack. When the world seems quiet we rarely think about global issues though they happen daily.

Should you can your travel plans? What really are the dangers of travel? Are there true dangers? Maybe yes in some parts of the world where dangerous events occur daily such as Iraq and Darfur. Other parts of the world are relatively quiet with the exception of local daily crime which occurs in every city.

This question was again posed through a professional networking community to which I belong. I wanted to share my answer, which is the answer I usually give those who tell me they will not travel due to perceived dangers.

Can you predict where the next terrorism attack will take place? I can't, so how should I change my plans for business or pleasure? If people begin to run scared of a perceived attack, then they (the terrorists) win! My ego will not permit it. Which city will you give up:
  • NY
  • Paris
  • LA
  • Madrid
  • London
  • Dublin
  • Jerusalem
  • Cairo
  • Mumbai
  • Amman
  • Argentina

What have I forgotten?

Remember, you can be pick pocketed anywhere, or cross the street and be hit by a bus in your home town. Have you stopped leaving the house? I sure hope not.

So in that spirit, if you are having second thoughts about traveling, DON'T! Travel is safe in most parts of the world. Don't let the cowards who choose to thwart world community sharing win. Your travel will show them we are stronger than the cowardly few.

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